Nice to meet you!

My name is Sophie Leonard and I am a self taught artist. I was born and raised in the deep South, and through my Southern upbringing was exposed to religion and spirituality at a very young age. As I grew older and became inspired to understand the unique challenges life brought; my journey into the healing arts began with me using my artistic expression to overcome chronic health problems and traumas through visual emotional processing of my internal emotional state. I began to desire to understand the spiritual implications of having such health conditions at such a young age, and to start searching for spiritual answers to my challenging existence. I then became drawn to the healing arts which resulted in me studying Tai Chi and Kung Fu, and later on obtaining my Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing and becoming a certified Registered Nurse to further my healing process. While working as a RN for years I always felt there was something missing for how I helped my patients to heal. After years of working in a Western Medical environment, I finally came to understand the importance of creative expression as a means for other individuals to work through the emotional and physical wounds of their past. The inner searching for spiritual truth and healing led me to develop my unique style of “Inner Art” as it has been through searching inwards during the dark nights of the soul of my healing journey that I was able to heal myself in ways through my own creative process that traditional western medicine was unable to do for me. It was so useful for me in my own healing that I now aim to help others heal through artistic expression and visuals. One does not need formal art training to transform and heal the wounds of their soul, and that process is unique and special for the individual.  It has therefore been a goal of mine to help others heal mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically through the metaphysical symbols in my art. I aim for my art to be able to pierce the heart of the viewer, and enable them to have a transformational healing experience through the many symbols hidden in my art.

What medium do you use?

I initially draw my traditional pieces with a mechanical pencil and then outline with ink pens. I use a mixed media variety of mostly watercolor mediums. When uploaded onto a computer I edit the pieces digitally so that the color is not lost.

Can I use your artwork for a tattoo design?

I don’t mind people using my art for tattoo designs but I do ask to be credited if it is used for a tattoo.

What is Inner Art?

Art that is created by searching within oneself with the intent to heal spiritually and emotionally from past traumatic or negative experiences to gain insight into the divinity within oneself and all living things. Art that is created with the intent to release emotional and energetic blockages within the soul so that one may evolve spiritually, and gain a higher understanding of oneself and their higher purpose within reality. Art that expands with my inner consciousness.