Eye of Horus

Eye of Horus/brain/pineal gland fusion detail.. From a western medical perspective the pineal gland is a cone shaped gland which produces melatonin and modulates sleep/wake cycles. Many ancient cultures however saw it as a gate to the spirit world. It is extremely interesting when you learn that the pineal gland releases DMT the moment you die, which could possibly be the connecting point of the spiritual and physical realms.



I’m finally finished with the ink and linework on this new piece I’ve been working on. It’s my rendition of the caduceus staff medical symbol, but with two scoliosis spines instead of snakes that represent the path one must take through the “curves” or ups and downs in life on the path to healing. Which can be seen in the curves of the scoliosis spine. Therefore, I am hoping to channel the wisdom and brilliance of the healing profession in this piece.

World Turtle

Many indigenous people believed the world was supported on top of a Giant Turtle. This belief can be seen from the Far East in China and India, all the way to the indigenous people of the Americas. The concept fascinates me as here is a cropped and unfinished segment of my rendition of the World Turtle.

Plant Medicine: Poppy

Mother nature has provided a plethora of plant medicine to assist us during the healing process. One such plant being the poppy, and has been used since thousands of years ago by the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia, and is today used to synthesize morphine. 

The Medicine Buddha

The Medicine Buddha: here symbolizing the moment of Divine Illumination in which the energies between the patient and physician resonate. Intimate knowing of soul meeting soul, spirit reflecting spirit, becomes the elixir for profound transmutation. Assessment and treatment, patient and Doctor, yin and yang merges. Healing manifests as the patient encounters within themselves a depth of humanity deeper than the tragedy of any illness.

Divine Proportions of the Unmanifest Becoming Manifest

I love studying sacred geometry, and feel it is a direct way for man to understand the divine workings of the Creative. The circle is a symbol that represents Unity that is beyond measure, while the square with its perfect symmetry represents finite comprehensible measure of form. Nature also means 'that which is born' and is therefore represented by the square symbol in many ancient Eastern art. Because it is from the infinite possibilities of God, or the circle, that conscious finite existence is able to be birthed through nature or the measurable square. 


Walks in the Garden

Some days I can't help but stop and feel so blessed to live on the most beautiful garden in the universe, Mother Earth. On my stroll in the magical mountains surrounding Los Angeles, the quote 'nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished' kept going through my mind.. As the death of winter yields new growth in these spring months, I can't help but feel grateful for situations in my life that 'passed away' and yielded 'new growth' when the time was just right. No need to hurry and exhaust yourself in vain, in the opportune moment all will be accomplished.
