Return of the Light

“So long as you do not die and rise again, you are a stranger to the dark earth”

These past few years have been a roller coaster ride for us all that seems to continue with no apparent end. I think I am in the majority when I say that we have transformed, and aren’t the same as we were at the beginning of 2020. We have collectively and personally gone through many deaths and rebirths during this heightened spiritual evolution that is taking place on the planet right now. These “Rainbow Buddhas” have been a way for me to process and release the many emotional highs and lows that I have encountered within myself since the pandemic began while trying to make sense of it all as well as keeping a peaceful mind through the many frustrations and restrictions that arose out of my control. When I had this vision of Kali in 2021, it was after an intense encounter with my shadow self as I came to know the darkness within myself as well as the light. Now as this series ends with the completion of my Kali piece, I wanted to show the creation of the new world out of the darkness and death of the old world we have moved through the past few years. May this new experience we are moving into collectively bring positive transformative and healing experiences for all.